Types of brake pads
Cabin filters are designed for removal of exhaust, dust, soot and pollen from air that is supplied to passenger compartment. Thus cabin filters reduce health risks of driver and passengers. Besides, cabin filters protect car heaters and conditioners from dirtying in such way providing conform and safety of vehicle exploitation. Inhalation of the contaminated air causes negative, often irreversible consequences for human's health, and arising sensation of tiredness and eyes tearfulness can lead to real threat of road traffic safety.
Filtering element consists of fully-synthetic non-woven material, which has excellent cleaning effectiveness. Owing to the electrostatic effect small contamination particles stick to fibers just after come little near to the filtering partition. It is easy to check effectiveness of such filter. It is enough to look condition of used filters during it`s replacement and imagine that all gathered contaminations could get inside our organisms.
The active carbon is added to the filtering elements of new generation cabin filters. Such filters show excellent filtration characteristics, which allows in addition to trap up to 95 % of harmful substances contained in exhaust. The filtration element consists of two layers made of fully-synthetics non-woven material. Between these layers there is put active carbon, which presents additional third layer of filtering partition. Two outer layers are able to trap solid particles and aerosols. The active carbon granules, thanks to their void structure, do not pass almost all gases harmful for human’s organism (sulphur and nitro¬gen compounds, ozone, hydrocarbon). This filters efficiency remains during
whole exploitation period. It is recommended to change cabin filters ones per year, but not rarely than each 15 000 km of run.
Air Filters Zero resistance air filters Oil filtersCabin filters
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